Was sind das für Comics
Comics are able to document experiences or scientific processes. The Combination of text and visuals makes history emotionally tangible or knowledge accessible. It is possible to draw people in even with supposedly dry subjects. The comics are drawn with analog methods, digital one or a mixture of both. Urban Sketching, classic storytelling and theoretical analysis interlink to somenthing new.
My comics are often published in English and German at the same time. Most comics are are accessible to screen readers adding a text based version to the visual version of the comic. Please use the contact form at the bottom of the page to inquire for commissions and contract work.
Biography of Lili Fürst
graphic short story (German) for the exhibition “Kinderemigration aus Frankfurt am Main – Child emigration from Frankfurt am Main” at Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, biography/history/psychology/journalism, published 01.09.2021.
Minicomics Series – 22 Plastic Plankton
Das Minicomic “Plastic Plankton” links biolgoy and chemistry to socially relevant topic of pollution of the environment. In the minicomics series, short explanatory comics have been published regularly since 2010. The can be read as one-pager online or on paper to leaf through in selected book shops.
Diverser Lesen
Header Image as a logo for the reading challenge #DiverserLesen, documenting diversity in readers and their diverse approaches of reading literature, pubulished am 01.09.2021.
Herero Corner Waterbergstraße
graphic documentation, published 18.04.2021, first published in German for Literatur Portal Bayern, 15.10.2020.
Concerted Action Decolonize München
graphic recording of a concerted political art action in Munich, German town history/German colonial history, published 30.09.2020.
Queer Comic Conversations
Comic Dokumentation of a conversation as webcomic for Goethe-Institut Neuseeland, published Juli to Dezember 2020. The comic was developed in cooperation with Sam Orchard. We worked on almost all panels together, green for Sam in New Zealand, magenta for Illi in Germany.
Ist das diese Gerechtigkeit
comic documentation of a court case (German) for the so called NSU murders. The journalistic Comic is based on court case notes of the NGO NSU-Watch and the sketches that where done at court.